It is strange that people never seem to learn the lessons of the past. We are quick to shun the old and ignore their experience. To step over the poor and blame the helpless. We value money and denounce integrity. We as humans were born on this planet and have done everything to divide and destroy it. We stand on our soap boxes and shout at the moon that we are the best.
"Blessed are the humble" People like Lincoln, Sadat, Ghandi and many others who gave their lives for the greater good. The great leaders of the world have been ignored and abused when all they try to do is improve our moral fiber.
Ghandi once said "However much I may sympathize with and admire worthy motives, I am an uncompromising opponent of violent methods even to serve the noblest of causes."As civilized human beings, we have an obligation to lend a hand when we are busy. To focus on the truth when we want to turn our eyes. To humbly respect the ideas of others when we feel the urge to supress.
Emma Lazarus wrote "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, Stalin's ethnic cleansing, The slaughter of Native Americans, the Holocaust and many other periods in history where man has raised his ugly head to show why our world is in a state of chaos. The U.S., Great Britain, China, Russia, Japan and all other great nations need to teach their children the ways of the meek, the unselfish and the courageous and reject the old imperial ways.
I was born and raised in NYC. I was devistated by the events of 911. Just like all people in other countries who have felt similar pain. Sometimes I think my country is great and sometimes I do not...just like all other countries. Because all countries are run by humans, humans who make mistakes, who are greedy, uncaring, compassionate and beautiful. Let us rejoice in our similarities and not dwell on our differences.
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