“Let your conscience be your guide,” wise words spoken by Jiminy Cricket in the Disney animated film Pinocchio. This singular phrase encapsulates so much of what I envision in regards to reverence of a higher power.
Many denominations survive through the use of primitive scare tactics. If the Almighty, “the all-forgiving God” does exist, wouldn’t it make sense that he/she would rather have a kinder, more forgiving relationship with his/her children?As it stands, “God” poses as a parental figure that, if crossed or disobeyed, will exercise a punishment so severe that those that follow the “wrong path” will experience this punishment for all of eternity. Eternity. The one place where time stops.
Religion is the ultimate hypocrite. All-forgiving yet relentless in judgement. Therefore, I propose a new doctrine, a new truth: Jiminyism. Let your conscience be your guide. “God” and “Satan” live and exist in our minds, in our figurative imagination. They make appearances every waking moment of our lives. We have such an entrenched relationship with our conscience, our minds, our power of choice that we fail to give it the proper recognition it deserves.
As young children we are taught what is wrong and what is right. We are given a set of morals and ethics that we receive through our loved ones, the media and day-to-day interaction with other people, places and things. Humanity, at large, regardless of location, race or religion share an extremely similar core set of values. Stealing is wrong. Murder is wrong. Telling false truths, for the most part, is wrong. When a situation occurs where temptation and morality collide, we are occupied by a presence with the sublime. “God” and “Satan” are present and “exist” due in large part by our natural given desire to label that which we do not fully understand, in the individual’s conscience at these very common, but oftentimes disregarded divine moments.“Satan,” evil influence, socially unaccepted thoughts and mentalities have the ability to influence out paths of choice.
However, “God,” truthful and communal influence, socially endorsed thoughts and mentalities, influence, ultimately what choices we make. You see, we always know what is right, but we don’t always make that choice, consciously. Therefore, dependent on the severity of the wrong choice, say for example, Murder, guilt plays a pivotal and debatably religious role.Guilt can carry such gravity that one’s mental stability can crumble and disintegrate. Coping with such stresses might cause a snowball effect in that it self perpetuates itself.
So, with regards to human existence, this guilt can last until death; the end of the human experience. Definition? Guilt = Hell. Damnation. Suffering for all of what we know as eternity. Eternity = the time we spend as a conscious entity that exists and interacts on this planet. Yet guilt can be conquered when one follows the influence of their negative conscience. At which time that individual begins to lose sight of what is right and what is wrong, and therefore become a slave o their own misguided thoughts. Religious-speak: one becomes a slave to or a tool of the Devil. Heaven?
Those moments in life that bring one of many pinnacles of joy and clarity in our lives. Birth, music, accomplishments, reunions, Love.Heaven and Hell vary from person to person of course depending upon their likes, dislikes, fears and passions. Heaven and Hell may exist, but there are no Pearly Gates or Fire and Brimstone. Heaven and Hell may only be a state of mind, which grows and evolves with us as we ourselves grow and evolve. Our power of choice is amazingly simple, yet it is also the single most influential aspect of the human psyche.
Choice and Conscience guide our lives. It tells us: where we go, what we do, who we are, who we become, and those whom we influence.For those that frown upon atheism, this is my personal solution to your conflict with natural independent thought and beliefs: I do believe in “God” and “Satan,” or more appropriately labelled, Good and Evil. The powers that guide our lives are not beings that lead us on strings, but are our own choices and the guilt or joy that accompanies those choices.
Of course, these are just random thoughts that I’ve put on Paper, and the ideas contained within these pages, although recorded on a solid medium, make it no more significant or factual than the philosophy used to create it.Faith? Have faith in yourself and your own choices. Have faith in those around you. Have faith that life supplies many rich rewards in good time and in bad. If the mentality shared in these pages can be adopted, I believe a greater number of people can enjoy a little slice of their own Heaven by enjoying peace, humility, and appreciation in themselves.Start Jimmineyism in your own community and your own circle…
written by Rikooprate
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