Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Talk


The talk we had is etched in me forever and a day

When others would listen for a minute and then walk away

The pain and tears were buried deep inside my very soul

A darkened room with a bottle of scotch was the only place to go


Many ghosts that haunted my nights with stories from afar

While eating dirt and drinking mud only added to the bizarre

A cavernous space was everywhere for me to fight alone

Staring down the barrel of a 45 birthstone


You listened without judgment and never used your phone

Eyes and ears attuned to me while I continued to drone

All I heard were words of support and a feeling of understanding

Treated like a son and guiding me to a soft landing


Those talking days saved me like nothing else could

Just like a simple game of chess and a cool fall day would

A stranger who showed me what a real dad was like

Who erased all my bitterness, anger and dislike


I tackled my classes and conquered a degree

Because you convinced me I could and I agree

A new career, a new life and my head high

But with all great things, comes the inevitable sigh


Some say you were laughing and others not so much

Enjoying every moment and such

Gone in a blink and without even a plea

Heard by his family or friends or me


So thank you for being there when I needed you most

Showing me a path out of my painful past dose

I will continue your teachings and pass it on

And treasure all of our talks now that you're gone


 by RG Castello


Friday, April 05, 2024



I believe that life is divided into 4 chapters. The first chapter is from birth to 20 years of age where you learn most of your life from your parents. The second chapter is from 20-40 where you’ve acquired just enough knowledge to think you know everything. The third chapter is from 40-60 where you realize that your parents knew more than you gave them credit for but you wish they were still around to tell them. The last chapter is from 60 to the end of the story where you understand how short life is and you want to enjoy and celebrate each moment regardless of how trivial it might be.

I am now in the fourth chapter and it’s time  to tackle another milestone. I started working like most people at age 15 and 50 years later I am facing the bitter-sweet reality of retirement. On one hand, I am looking forward to playing more golf, waking up a little later and overall reducing my worry load. But with this new found free time comes with the reality of no longer feeling like a part of a team. My wife is my family which will always mean more to me than a team, but that feeling of accomplishment that work sometimes provides can offer something positive to look forward to on occasion.

In the US, we treat our elderly like an inconvenience or even worse as invisible. I am not sure how I will face each day from now on, but I will try not to lose my optimism, hope and sense of humor. I never want to be one of those bitter people always regretting the choices they’ve made. So I will walk through my retirement door with my head high, a good attitude and share it with everyone I love.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Check Box

 Hiding in plain sight, the moment is here

It seems hard to find but it's quite clear

They don't see it because it isn't checked

And placed in the box of their lives that is wrecked

They spend all their days planning ahead

And abusing the time that's divided and spread

Dedicated and focused on accomplishing a chore

Attacking the task but there is always more

Resting isn't an option when there are things to do

Can't move on, sing a song or play with you

Everything's urgent no matter the cost

For love, life and all else are tossed

Experience the breath of people and things

Without the noose of life's nagging strings

Devote only part time for those to mark

Leaving precious hours for that special spark

So ease on the pressure of being right

Embrace the warmth of a summer night

Because time is short and can't go on

So enjoy every moment before they are gone

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

V is for Veteran

They joined to serve and so much more

Giving back to those who stood before

To better their lives and standing proud

Honor and duty, shouting out loud

They did what was told, no matter the cost

With all the stress, they never got lost

Following orders, always a team

Rising to the top, just like cream

Brothers and sisters, forever linked

In harms way, they never blinked

Marching in step, head held high

Squads and troops all unify

So on this day give them your thanks

Who put on the uni and worked in the ranks

And surrendered their years for the family they love

For you and me and God above

Monday, June 07, 2021

Right Reasons

They charged ahead although they were scared

There is nothing I know that can be compared

Their brothers and sisters felt the heat of the fight

The battles that continued long into the night

We honor this day without feeling the why

With grilling and sports to celebrate the high

While Gold Star families mourn the brave

And stand at attention for Old Glory's wave

So remember this day for all the right reasons

And not a holiday to celebrate the seasons

Or a chance for us to sleep til noon

But to honor those who left us too soon

Tuesday, January 05, 2021


Deep in the park, under the trees

Hiding from view, they crouch on their knees

Dirty and worn, so skinny and sick

Hair matted and greasy, so tangled and thick

All drive by, avoiding their gaze

Occasionally donating on special days

Thousands of stories brought them to this place

But no one listens and stares off to space

Veterans and addicts and those down on their luck

No longer trying because their life is stuck

Reliving the days that dragged them here

Fighting for scraps in spite of the fear

Unseen they are by the fortunate ones

Who whine and complain and bang on their drums

Who think they have it so hard and so bad

But nothing compared to the permanently sad

So the next time you drive or walk by the crowd

Watching them tired with heads lowely bowed

Remember that once they were just like you

That they deserve respect and sympathy too

Thursday, August 20, 2020

No Matter How

 I'm lost in a gaze but can't be seen

Illuminated haze that's not so keen

Arms stretched far to feel the way through

No matter how I strain, I can't see you

Tender songs that I don't hear

The melodic tone that falls to the rear

I cradle my ears to cling to what's true

No matter how I listen, I can't hear you

Sweetness her breath I just can't smell

Bland aroma makes it hard to tell

Roses and perfumes never break through

No matter how I inhale, I can't breathe you

Velvet petals are numb to the touch

Each finger stretches but not too much

Soft and supple is the skin so new

No matter how I touch, I can't feel you

Radiant smile and eyes that invite

Softly motions like angelic sprite

All my senses have become askew

No matter how I dream, I can't have you