Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Talk


The talk we had is etched in me forever and a day

When others would listen for a minute and then walk away

The pain and tears were buried deep inside my very soul

A darkened room with a bottle of scotch was the only place to go


Many ghosts that haunted my nights with stories from afar

While eating dirt and drinking mud only added to the bizarre

A cavernous space was everywhere for me to fight alone

Staring down the barrel of a 45 birthstone


You listened without judgment and never used your phone

Eyes and ears attuned to me while I continued to drone

All I heard were words of support and a feeling of understanding

Treated like a son and guiding me to a soft landing


Those talking days saved me like nothing else could

Just like a simple game of chess and a cool fall day would

A stranger who showed me what a real dad was like

Who erased all my bitterness, anger and dislike


I tackled my classes and conquered a degree

Because you convinced me I could and I agree

A new career, a new life and my head high

But with all great things, comes the inevitable sigh


Some say you were laughing and others not so much

Enjoying every moment and such

Gone in a blink and without even a plea

Heard by his family or friends or me


So thank you for being there when I needed you most

Showing me a path out of my painful past dose

I will continue your teachings and pass it on

And treasure all of our talks now that you're gone


 by RG Castello


Friday, April 05, 2024



I believe that life is divided into 4 chapters. The first chapter is from birth to 20 years of age where you learn most of your life from your parents. The second chapter is from 20-40 where you’ve acquired just enough knowledge to think you know everything. The third chapter is from 40-60 where you realize that your parents knew more than you gave them credit for but you wish they were still around to tell them. The last chapter is from 60 to the end of the story where you understand how short life is and you want to enjoy and celebrate each moment regardless of how trivial it might be.

I am now in the fourth chapter and it’s time  to tackle another milestone. I started working like most people at age 15 and 50 years later I am facing the bitter-sweet reality of retirement. On one hand, I am looking forward to playing more golf, waking up a little later and overall reducing my worry load. But with this new found free time comes with the reality of no longer feeling like a part of a team. My wife is my family which will always mean more to me than a team, but that feeling of accomplishment that work sometimes provides can offer something positive to look forward to on occasion.

In the US, we treat our elderly like an inconvenience or even worse as invisible. I am not sure how I will face each day from now on, but I will try not to lose my optimism, hope and sense of humor. I never want to be one of those bitter people always regretting the choices they’ve made. So I will walk through my retirement door with my head high, a good attitude and share it with everyone I love.