Sunday, April 27, 2008


I’m not sure when I started to think about my life being more than just the next party. I don’t know when I first learned that my parents were wise and experienced and not boring and un-cool. But I’ve always known in one form or another, the importance of family.

For as long as I can remember, I was surrounded by a big family. Between our cousins and friends, the house was never empty. Never…ever. To this day, I still get up at 5 o’clock in the morning because when I was young that was the only time I could watch what I wanted on TV. Of course my only choices were Gumby and Davey and Goliath, but I was glad to have it.

Family, through all the holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries, there was family. Through all the fender benders, unscheduled tours of the country and the extremely rare, but innocently misguided damage, there was family.

Now I remember those years, when we watched the first TV families. There was the ultra patient parent that sent their child to his room for a compassionate “talking to” and the golden child, who learned their lesson and became the pillar of the community. It was the perfect home where the only purpose for a belt, was to hold up your pants. And then, there is our family.

Some of you may look at our family from the outside and wonder how we manage to stay so loyal to each other? I have no idea. We rarely see each other and I know there are other families that see each other more than we even call! These families eat dinner together on a regular basis, go on vacations together, and even buy houses on the same block. You know who you are. And then there is our family.

I remember being an energetic child, which frequently got me into trouble. After one such event, I remember galloping into the house with my “head in the clouds” as usual and was greeted by Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Cleaver and Mrs. Huxtable all rolled into one. To most people, my mom was a sweet and generous soul and would be there for anyone including a stranger in need. Unfortunately, when a neighbor calls the house and informs your mom that her son just destroyed their personal property, Mrs. Cleaver turns into Miss Demeanor.

Family. When friends drift away, there is family. When your personality has chased all acquaintances into the night, there is family.

I don’t know if all of us in the family grew up with the same sense of independence or whether it was the master plan from our parents, but it has been a positive influence in my life. I believe we are loving, warm, and generous people. I believe that if you need us for anything, we will be there. Need a loan? Just ask. Need a place to stay? Come on over. We will be there for you whenever you need us. Just don’t call after 8PM.

They are there for the holidays and the special days, and these days are special and photographically important because of our families. All the stories told at these events are what shape our personalities and define us as family.

Each of you have stories that are told time and time again while sitting around the table, with football on the TV and music surrounding the delicious scent of family. Our memories are full of these times of love, laughter, and happiness, but with all the commercialism, cynicisms and other isms, the only thing that keeps us from being pulled into the mechanical world of life is the warm embrace of family.

All of our family are here today physically and spiritually to celebrate this special day. Our brothers, sisters, parents, cousins, and friends have come here today to celebrate this new family.

These two beautiful people are bringing all those stories, traditions and love that they took from their family. So let’s celebrate this beautiful loving family of Frank and Pat Velez, because they carry with them everything that is special that they learned from their family.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


On the steps of the north stands the lady of the wood
In the soft of the light in the meadow where she stood
Carrying with her the cradle of truth
Standing in the shadow of her beloved youth

I hid behind to watch her sleep
Stunned by the hush of her auburn weep
Breathless from her beauty and Donnyville smile
I craned to peek at the blend all the while

There have been many times when I thought way back
Reading of the book that painted it black
The leopard girl that stirred my drink
My Pinot sweet with her knowing wink